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Welcome to Twickenham Tigers FC

Pitch address: Lincoln Field c/o Whitton Sports Centre, Whitton TW2 6JW


Public transport:

On Bus route H22.

Whitton rail station 16 min on foot.


We play in black & orange striped shirts, black shorts and orange socks, so please notify us if you think there may be a clash.

There are changing facilities onsite. Toilets are available.

We play on 3G & there should be time & space for warm-ups on the pitch.

Parking is available in the school grounds. Please note:

  • CARS MUST ONLY BE PARKED IN MARKED SPACES. If spaces are full, then please park outside the gates in the surrounding streets.

  • DO NOT PARK ACROSS THE YELLOW-MARKED WALKWAYS as they are for emergency vehicles.

  • Congestion may occur on match days so please allow sufficient time to find alternative parking in local streets.

  • Please respect local residents by parking sensibly and limiting noise.

Dogs are NOT allowed on site.

Currently there are no amenities on site for drinks or food.

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In order for games to fun, safe & enjoyed by everyone we ask spectators to:

Remain outside of the field of play and behind the respect line.

Never engage in, tolerate offensive, insulting or abusive language and behaviour.

Always respect the match officials decisions.

Don’t only applaud success; effort and good play deserve to be recognised.

Remember children play football for fun.

Let the coaches do their job do not confuse players by telling them what to do.

Encourage players to respect the opposition and match officials.

Making mistakes is part of learning, don’t criticise a player for making one.


©2024 by Twickenham Tigers Football Club.

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